Monday, November 19, 2007


She was tired. The pier stretched out into the sea. For a moment she stood taking in the free air that wisped around her. It was the wind that called to her. That sprayed the warm water onto her face. She didn’t care. That was what she had come back for, after all.Elizabeth hadn’t told anyone where she was going or that she even was going. She hadn’t known herself. She suddenly found herself riding. Riding straight on and not bothering to look back. She knew what was there and what she was leaving and she didn’t want to be bothered by it any more. What she was looking for she had finally turned herself towards and rode on. She hadn’t stopped, not even to sleep. Elizabeth wasn’t going to allow anything as trifle as sleep stop her now that she had decided to go back.That morning, the sea had greeted her long before the sun rose. Elizabeth unmounted the horse and sat herself in the sand. Now all she had to do was wait. It would be there and all she had to do was wait. Spreading herself across the cooled sand, Elizabeth allowed sleep to take her, knowing the sea would keep her safe.The first hint of morning had begun to stir as Elizabeth awoke. She felt rested despite her lack of sleep. Excitement swelled inside of her once she realized that the sea before her wasn’t a dream. The sun would come soon and then she could begin the second part of her journey.Elizabeth stared hard into the east. The sun would rise and she would know. Tears stun her eyes. Would she still be allowed back? Would everything be as she had left it? She was certain it would. She shook her head, closed her eyes, and took in the fresh sea air. With a cleared head she continued her long stare out into the endless horizon.Any moment now and Elizabeth would be home again.

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