Monday, November 19, 2007


Here we are on the cusp of the final chapters of the Harry Potter Series. It has been ten, long years of dreaded, nail-biting agony as Rowling fed us a little bit of Harry’s eccentric adolescent years only pieces at a time. We devoured her books like starving hound dogs. I, among millions, was there at midnight, too anxious to wait another second to scoop up the next set of events into my arms. I always took two days off from work every time a Harry Potter Book was released allotting uninterrupted time just to read the newest of poor Harry’s life. 24 hours of endless reading ensued without sleep. Since Book 1, I have learned to cook, dress, eat, and change a diaper all while reading. I put Harry Potter down for very little. I always read through the books so fast that I had to re-read each book immediately upon finishing it because the adrenaline caused me to remember nothing of what I had just read. After speeding through the blur of words, I would near the final pages of each book just to slow my reading – dreading to finish the book. Finishing a Harry Potter book meant facing another two years of torturous wait. We entered the world of dragons and wizards, mer-people, and ghosts with Harry. Discovered his dark past with him. We cried for Harry, laughed with him, screamed repeatedly at "that Umbridge Woman". Laughed more and cried as our hearts broke every time we watched Harry loose one more person close to him. We grew to hate his enemies, love his friends, and felt true sympathy for a poor, lonely, orphaned boy who had to grow up abused and starved. Rowling has forced us to love her Harry – and love him we do. I often think that there is little Rowling won’t do to Harry. It wouldn’t surprise me if she does kill him off at the close of Book 7. Half of me is expecting her to. Half of me is prepared. I never wanted Book 6 to end. The end of Book 6 meant that Book 7 was next and I didn’t want the end to come. I often wonder what it will be like when Book 7 is read and done; a final close to the countless chapters of Harry’s life. No more agonizing, strenuous, anticipation for the next installment. Just a matter of closing this book – the book – finally. I will miss Harry, as I’m sure everyone who knew him will. True, I can revisit him any time I want. But when it comes to book 7, it will be like watching a best friend leave for college. "I’ll see you again," you call out. But a deep, dark, sinking feeling beneath the pit of your heart says, "No, you won’t". Sure you can re-read the books. As if that ever stopped any of us. But Harry has finally grown up and will be leaving the Dursleys for the last time. As excited as he will be, we will feel a sense of sorrow. I will cry. I know I will. We will be beside him once more as he seeks out Voldemort one last time and this time Voldemort will die or Harry will. And then, Harry will be gone. Off to some wizard college or to work in the Ministry Of Magic perhaps. Maybe even to work in Hogwarts itself as the Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher (God knows, he is qualified for the job). Whichever road Harry will venture down next, assuming it is not he who dies in Book 7, one thing is certain, we will not follow him. We will not go. Instead, we will read that final sentence of the final chapter of the final book and we will, unwillingly, say goodbye to Harry Potter. Then we will close Book 7 . . . and read it one more time.

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